I had the great opportunity to try out my new Old Town Kayaks in Minnesota last month and had a fantastic time sharing time on the water with friends and family. Made it to Lake Minnewashta, Lake Nokomis, Lake Minnetonka, Mitchell Lake, and of course last but not least Leech Lake. I have enough time in the saddle to appreciate the uniqueness of both the Salty and the Bigwater.
I got to find out how the yaks handle in 30 mph winds on Lake Minnetonka, how quickly we can get off the water during a thunderstorm on Mitchell Lake (really fast with wheels!!), and how hard or easy to go over a sandbar dropoff on Leech Lake (worked well). Overall, super happy with how the boats and the wheels are working and the pedaling experience.
The adventure on Mitchell lake began with a forecast for sunshine, and ended with a squall and the threat of lightening!! Never a dull moment on water with the nephews!
Photo 1: 10 Minutes into our Pedal on Mitchell Lake

Photos 2/3: 15 Minutes

Yep - caught it on video... 2 seconds to deploy one wheel!!! This on is at 12:18 elapsed time.

And here we are at 12:20!

Bottom line: We had fun / Landed safely and got the "heck" off the lake!!